This week in Forest School we visited the Choo choo peoples village. Before we set off to find the village we discussed what we might see and thought about what we have around where we live. The children had lots of ideas for example a play centre and a toy shop. Unfortunately Sneezy the Dragon has had a terrible cold and blown it all down. The children offered to build it again for them, so they collected natural objects from the forest floor and built some wonderful buildings. One child built a bakery that sold cakes and biscuits, another child built a toy shop. One child said ‘I’m making a tree house, I’m doing it in a line with stones and leaves. I need some more rocks, I need some there so Sneezy can’t get in.’ Another child said ‘It’s got a small door, I put that there and that’s going to be the shed. We are sure the Choo choo people were very pleased with their new village.
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