Garretts Green Nursery School is a Local Authority Maintained Nursery School situated on the East side of Birmingham (near the boundary with neighbouring Solihull) in the constituency of Yardley and serving children and families from the local Sheldon and Yardley areas of the city.
There are shops nearby, and a library and churches where children are able to visit. There are local Primary and Secondary schools close by and some of the children attend swimming sessions at the local swimming baths. Sheldon Country Park provides opportunities for links and visits.
The Nursery was opened over 60 years ago in 1947 and has a long history of supporting and being valued by the local community. Our partnerships and work with parents and families are a particular feature and strength of the school.
The Nursery currently provides education and care for three and four year old children, most of whom attend on a part-time basis for five mornings or afternoons each week. Full-time place are limited and are allocated according to need based on Local Authority criteria. Places are fully allocated in the spring term for a September start with any unfilled places allowing children to enter in January following their third birthday in September-December.
We have a six place Resource Base for children who have an Education Health and Care Plan. We are very proud of inclusive practice.
Our Enhanced Provision for children with autism, social interaction and communication conditions has places for six children supported by three adults. We are particularly proud of the opportunities and experiences we are able to offer to the children and their families and of the relationships we have with supporting professionals. In the autumn of 2013, we were very privileged to have been asked if our children and staff could be filmed for the production of the Autism Education Trust training materials for the support of professionals, governors and for parents of children with autism which are now used nationally.
There is a separate entrance for Resource Base children and their families providing a calm start to the day. There is also a sensory room on site.

A Sensory Room was constructed and equipped in 2012-13 which is used daily. All children have access to this exciting space at specific times through the school week.
The main Nursery teaching areas consist of the outside environment, a Discovery Room and a Creative Room. Staff work collaboratively across the entire Nursery. The Creative Room is used mainly for art and expressive activities while the Discovery Room has its main focus on exploration and investigation.
Each room has a focus on promoting communication, language and literacy opportunities. The outside areas support learning in all areas of learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Staff work across the Nursery and children are allocated to one of four groups with Key Workers caring for, teaching and supporting them. Staff and children work in all the different teaching areas at various times to ensure that they access a range of opportunities and experiences.
Independence is encouraged and for much of the session a free flow play system operates enabling the children to choose from a wide range of activities throughout the Nursery. This also enables all Staff to work with all the children and for Staff to collectively monitor progress and achievements.
In Resource Base, children's learning is supported in a calm and quiet environment which best accommodates the needs of the children. Children follow a structured timetable and access the main Nursery throughout the day but are able to return to Resource Base at any time.