Our school aims to provide a high quality curriculum and a broad range of stimulating and challenging experiences, within a child- centred environment which encourages independence and self-motivation.

Article 28: Every child has the right to an education. 

A wide variety of structured and unstructured learning activities are provided indoors and outdoors to cater for all areas of learning and development.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework sets the standards for Learning, Development and Care for children from birth to five. It includes detailed information on the 7 areas of learning and development and supporting children from birth through various stages of maturity and development.

EYFS statutory framework for group and school based providers (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Three prime areas underpin children’s learning:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional development

As children grow, they will be supported to develop skills in 4 specific areas.

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design.

Alongside the EYFS we use the non-statutory framework, Developmental Matters and Birth to 5 matters to provide a framework for planning the curriculum and for setting an appropriate sequenced curriculum to impact on the development and learning for every child throughout the year. This means that we put the child at the centre of our practice, with their connections within family, communities, culture and the natural world.

Much of the teaching and learning is planned around children’s interests and staff meet frequently to evaluate learning and to share their observations of children’s progress, interests and needs in order to develop the quality of provision. Themed or topic planning is based around children’s needs and interests.


The development of personal, social and emotional skills is particularly important and the children are generally well-behaved and demonstrate a caring attitude towards others. They know how to keep themselves safe and are able to follow rules.

The Nursery fully endorses and supports Birmingham City Council’s Education Service Equal Opportunities Statement and its policy on Inclusion.

The school is well resourced and has good facilities both indoors and outside and the curriculum includes activities in all areas of the school site.. The children have additional opportunities in the form of artists in residence; musical workshops; football coaches, visitors in school and external visits.

The school had a successful Ofsted inspection in January 2019 where our school was rated ‘Outstanding’. The Report states:

‘The nursery provides an outstanding education in all aspects of learning for each and every child.”

” Children’s interests and individual needs are very skillfully planned for and met. The curriculum is filled with imaginative and exciting activities that engage the children.”

” Teaching is excellent. Exemplary teamwork underpins the school’s success in ensuring the best outcomes for all children.”

Click on the links below to access an overview of WHAT TO EXPECT IN THE EYFS :

The non statutory guidance that we used to develop our curriculum:

Click on the links below to see Garretts Green Nursery School Curriculum: