Wow! Who has visited us today! It’s only Michael Recycle telling us recycling is the way! The children discovered hand and footprints in the classroom with a book and a homework challenge! We discovered it was Michael Recycle who wanted us to think about what recycling means and what we can do to help. One child commented ‘Recycling is when you use something old and make it into something new.’ Michael then set us a homework challenge to use junk to make something. The children had lots of fantastic ideas. One child said ‘I’m going to make a rocket and fly to the moon. Another child commented ‘I’m going to make an invention, an ice cream machine.’ We cannot wait to see the children’s creations which are due in on the 23rd June. There will be recycled prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and certificates for all entries. Goodluck!
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