Please click on the link below to access a webpage dedicated to Garretts Green Nursery Schools financial benchmarking. This allows you to compare financial information with similar schools.

Garretts Green Nursery School Financial Benchmarking

The school has an established Governing Body in line with the Government's requirements for all schools. This is in accordance with an Instrument and Articles of Government.

The Governing Body must meet at least once a term and this is usually an evening meetings. Our GB meets four times a year and has a finance commitee that meets four times a year and a School Improvement Committee that meets three times a year, once every term. These committees feedback to the Full Governing Body

It is expected that the Governors will take an active interest in the life of the school and will be invited to all appropriate school functions. Governors work in partnership with staff and provide support and challenge.

Governors often assume a specific interest or role for, example, in Special Educational Needs or Safeguarding. Our school is fortunate to have an active and involved Governing Body, many members making visits to the school to carry out a Safeguarding audit, to attend parents' functions for feedback to the main group or to monitor the quality of the provision.

The Governing Body has nine members.

Lesley Wiltshire - Local Authority Co-opted- Chair of the GB

Claire Henebury - Head Teacher

Sam Richardson - Elected staff member

Kelly McLeish-Rouse - Elected Parent Governor

Katherine Beard - Elected Parent Governor

Rob Jones - Co-opted Community Governor - SEND Governor

Jackie Parr - Co-opted Governor - Chair of Finance and Health and Safety Governor

Julie White - Co-opted Governor

Sally Davies - Co-opted Governor - Safeguarding Governor.