Garretts Green Nursery School has an optional school uniform that is comfortable and inexpensive.
The uniform consists of a royal blue sweatshirt with Nursery logo and a polo shirt, also with school logo.
Parents can also purchase other uniform, such as fleeces and waterproof jackets. Children are expected to wear sensible shoes that cover their toes. Strappy sandals can be a hazard when children are playing and we ask you to avoid these wherever possible.
All children will have access to the Forest School at specified times throughout the year and they will need wellington boots for these sessions.
- Children should always bring a coat to Nursery.
- Clothes must be comfortable and allow children to play freely.
- We ask you to avoid belts and buckles and laces that may be difficult for a child to manage independently.
- Please send your child to nursery in clothes that ‘don’t matter’ as many activities are messy and while we always encourage children to wear aprons, it is impossible to promise that they will stay clean.
- It is advisable to send a spare set of clothes into Nursery in case of accidents. These should be named and hung in a bag on your child’s coat peg
- All clothes should be named.
- Trousers should have no belts or buckles to help the children to manage them independently. Thank you.
Please ensure that your child’s clothes are all named.
If you wish to purchase embroidered school uniform please follow the link below:
- Please click on the button above
- check our school name appears on the item description
- Choose the quantity and sizes and add items to the basket
- Pay at the checkout
All uniform is optional and there is no obligation to purchase emboridered clothing. Children may wear plain items of uniform or their own clothes.
School Jumper with Logo

School Fleece with logo

School Coat with logo

School Polo Shirt with logo