Last week we heard a crash landing in Nursery! It was Super Simon who had crashed his rocket. The children thought about what we could do to help and decided we could build something that would fly him back up into space! They had some great ideas one child commented ‘We could make him a big big rocket, it will go super fast up to the sky.’ Another child commented ‘We could make him a helicopter to fly up, it will go super fast up to the sky, I will make him one with bricks.’ Some children designed what they wanted to build first and others got stuck in with using various construction sets to build their creations. The children discussed what shapes they were using, one child said ‘That yellow ones a rectangle like that door.’ Another child said ‘I’m using triangles’ Super Simon was so happy that the children helped and we are glad to say he made it back into space in time for his dinner! Well done children.
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