This week we had a delivery. The adults placed the parcel in front of the children and encouraged them to think about what might be inside. One child commented ‘ A gorilla, a small one!’ Another child guessed ‘ I think it’s Lola because she likes being in a nice box.’ We opened the box up and the children had another look at what was inside! One child commented ‘An insect a spiky one.’ Another child commented ‘ It looks like a slug.’ A few children guessed correctly that is was a caterpillar. We have several caterpillars and the children have enjoyed observing them over the week. One child said ‘He looks very spiky, he looks happy, he’s using his body to move slowly.’ Another child said ‘ It’s a caterpillar. I can see white spikes. The caterpillar will turn into a butterfly until it eats lots of things.’ We cannot wait to keep watching as the caterpillars grow and change!
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