On Tuesday Eddie sent us a parcel that contained a block of ice with his key to his suitcase stuck inside! The children came up with some fantastic ideas as to how we could get the key out. One child suggested we could pull it out but it would not move. Another child suggested a knife and tried to saw the ice but the ice only broke off in small pieces. They then suggested scissors but the ice was ‘too slippy’. The ideas kept coming ‘Put it in the sun and the sun will melt it and the key will be out.’ ‘We could put it in the fire and the fire would melt it.’ One child then said ‘We could smash it with a hammer’ So the children took it in turn to have a go at using the hammer to crack open the ice. They remembered they needed to wear goggles to keep their eyes safe. It took a few attempts but yes we managed to get Eddie’s key out!