
We have butterflies

It was very exciting to see last week that some of the butterflies have come out of their cocoons. All the children had a look at the butterflies in t...


The caterpillars have ...

We had a very exciting delivery of caterpillars last week at Nursery. The children firstly had a look at them and discussed what they might be. We the...


Forest School Fire

  Last week in Forest School we had a fire. Before we started, we recalled how we keep safe around the fire pit. We then discussed how we create ...


A visit from firefight...

We had some exciting visitors this week at Nursery. Some of the firefighters from our local fire station came to Nursery. The children looked at their...


Making wire sculptures

Over the last couple of weeks in Nursery the children have looked at different wire sculptures made by different artists. The children looked closely ...


Andrew Goldsworthy art...

This week in Forest School we have been learning about an artist called Andrew Goldsworthy. The children were shown photos of his art and they discuss...


It’s beginning t...

We are really looking forward to Christmas and the children have been busy at Nursery taking part in lots of Christmas activities. These have included...


Destiny Africa

We were so lucky to have some of the members from ‘Destiny Africa’ children’s choir visit us at Nursery. They sang and danced for us...


Thank you from Reveren...

Reverend Susan came in to Nursery to speak to the children about where the food from our food bank would go. She discussed how the food you had donate...


Concept Cat new word o...

This week Concept Cat told us a story about looking for something hard. He wanted to bounce his ball on something hard. He found a pillow that was not...