
Children in Need

We have enjoyed raising money for Children in Need today. We have come to Nursery dressed up in lots of different outfits. It was fun to make Pudsey h...


The Giant came to visi...

This week we found the Giant’s footprint at Nursery. The Giant had left us a note asking us to measure it with the cubes. We all estimated how m...


The Queen’s 90th...

We had so much fun celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday. We decorated biscuits with red,white and blue icing,made Union Jack flags, played part...


Healthy eating

Over the last few weeks at Nursery we have been making healthy snacks. We have made a yummy ice lolly with fresh fruit that we carefully chopped ourse...


Life caravan

As part of our being healthy work the children visited the Life Caravan. They met Harold the giraffe, helping him to get ready for his first day at Nu...


Milking Daisy

Our new theme is the Farm, today some of the children explored what it would be like to milk a cow!


Natural art in Forest ...

Some of the children made pictures out of natural materials in Forest School. They were brilliant, we had pictures of our families, houses and lots mo...


Star of the week

Every Friday we celebrate Star of the Week this week one of our Star’s is Mia for helping Lily the ladybird by counting the spots back on to her. We...



Today at Nursery we have dressed up in our sportswear as part of our healthy living theme. We had a Zumba session outside. Check out our moves!


Forest School Fire

We had a Forest School Fire. During our Forest School sessions this week we went to the fire pit and cooked toast on the fire. We sat carefully around...