
Tracing letters, numbe...

This week we explored tracing over chalk numbers, letters and shapes. The children tried very hard to stick to the lines! O


Mixing paint

This week we explored making different shades of green. The children were encouraged to discuss what they thought was in the tray. One child said R...


Easter celebrations

We have had lots of fun this week getting ready for Easter! We made our families an Easter egg card, had an Easter bonnet parade and then our Easter p...


Making butter!

On Monday we made butter! Firstly we had a look at a picture of butter to try and guess what we were going to be making. One child commented ‘It...


Down on the farm!

This week we were lucky enough to visit Umberslade Farm. The children were able to see lots of animals and help complete jobs around the farm such as ...


Helping Farmer Fred

Last week we had to help Farmer Fred! He had muddled up all the eggs on his farm so we asked the children if they would mind helping by counting them....



As the chicks had grown they were ready to be handled last week. The children recalled we needed to use our little voices so not to scare them and two...


The Big Red Barn!

Last week for our phonics group time we used the Big Red Barn! We said the rhyme and wrote in the initial sound of the animal we were hiding and a wor...

Oh no a gas leak :(

Unfortunately on Friday last week we had to close Nursery for the afternoon session as a gas leak was found. We turned off the gas and this meant ther...


St Patrick’s Day

Today we celebrated St Patrick’s Day! The children could wear something green if they wanted to and we learnt about St Patrick. We then joined i...