On Monday we made butter! Firstly we had a look at a picture of butter to try and guess what we were going to be making. One child commented ‘It looks like cheese because it’s yellow.’ Once we had discovered that it was butter we looked at our recipe card. It said we needed 250ml of double cream, again the children tried to guess what it was. One child commented ‘It’s white like milk.’ Another child said ‘It looks like melted ice cream.’ The adults discussed that it was double cream and we poured it into a beaker. Next we had to add two marbles and screw the lid onto the beaker very tightly! Then it was time for the fun part! We had to shake it, roll it and shake it some more! We had a look to see what had happened to our cream and found it had got thicker. We shook it some more and opened it to find it had turned into butter! We had a think about what we could use our butter for and the children had some lovely ideas for sandwiches and cakes. So we used a knife very carefully to spread our butter onto bread. It was very yummy!
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