
Eid celebrations

Today we celebrated Eid, we shared a story about Eid and Ramadan, dressed up in traditional clothing whilst dancing to some Eid party music. At snack ...


Oh no poor Beat Baby!

This week we found our Beat Babies missing, we were so worried. The children shared lots of ideas about where they could be one child suggested, ̵...


Gardeners’ World...

This week our wheelbarrow was collected. The children and the staff have entered into a competition at Gardeners’ World Live to grow everything ...


Family Day

On Friday we invited our families into Nursery. The children were very excited and enjoyed spending time with their special adults. It was a lovely tu...


Simple compositions!

This week Ann our visiting musician came into Nursery. We worked in colour groups and created some brilliant songs about recycling and of course Micha...



After having a note from Michael Recycle we have begun thinking about using old things to make new! This week some of the children have brought a bott...


The very hungry caterp...

This week we had a delivery. The adults placed the parcel in front of the children and encouraged them to think about what might be inside. One child ...


Michael Recycle

Wow! Who has visited us today! It’s only Michael Recycle telling us recycling is the way! The children discovered hand and footprints in the cla...


Pear tree

This week some of the children noticed the pear tree. The adults and the children noticed a small pear growing on it one child commented ‘I want...


It’s all growing...

We are all amazed at how well everything is growing in the greenhouse. The children have been helping the adults to water the plants.